Wednesday, June 28, 2006

An amazing Friendship

Africa is now officially one day away and I wanted to take a minute and share something that is pretty important to me. I came accross a picture of one of my good friends Beth Hauser that was taken of the two of us on a mission trip that we went on 9 years ago. At the time the picture was taken, I was beginning to start my senior year in high school. At that moment in my life, I never would have imagined the road that my life was going to take.

Reflecting on this has made me realize how fortunate I am. Sometimes in life, I spend a lot of time wishing and hoping for the next chapter. When I was in high school, I longed for college. When in college, I longed for my first teaching job. When I was out of college, I longed for living on my own and now I long for the day that I will meet Mr. Right. So many times, I find myself wanting this next chapter to roll around sooner than God has planned. What I am reminded of today is that if those chapters had come any sooner in my life, I wouldn’t have been able to do all the things I have been able to be a part of. I don’t know if I would be going to Africa, I don’t know if I could be involved in student ministry, coaching, and doing some amazing things with some incredible friends.

I guess today I want to step back and thank God for the journey. It has been an amazing adventure and I am so excited for the many adventures left to encounter…

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Today I am reminded of God’s faithfulness. I knew going into this trip that it was an expensive mission trip to be a part of. All throughout the planning process, I was constantly reminded by others in the group that God will provide. Although I believed this to be true, I was beginning to stress out on how this was going to happen. Today was one of those mornings that I sat at my kitchen table afraid to begin paying the bills because I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to make it all happen this month and still pay the balance left on the trip. Between getting all the necessary shots and medications and the overall cost of the trip, it ended up being more than I ever imagined. I wish that I could say that all along I was 100% confident that it would work out but if I am totally honest with you, this past week I was beginning to get a little worried. This evening, I received a blessing that I don’t even know how to put to words. An individual sent a check to the church that covered almost all of the remaining balance. I wish I could paint a picture of the emotions that I had when I opened that envelope. As the tears streamed down my face, I smiled and reminded myself that God is and always will be faithful.

I am humbled and so thankful for all of you who have supported me not only financially but more importantly through prayer. You all are an amazing blessing.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

We dropped the first half of the group at the airport today and they are on their way to Africa as we speak. As I began to tear up as they walked off, I realized that the saying goodbye thing is going to be pretty brutal.

I can't believe the trip is only a couple days away. I am rushing around getting some last minute stuff ready for the journey. I am not really sure about this whole thing. One minute I am super excited and the next I am really anxious. I know God is going to take care of this whole mission team but it is a little nerve racking to beleive that it is actually happening. God has some amazing stuff in store. I know he does. I will hopefully update this every couple of days so that you can follow along with the journey. Thank you for being such and important part in making this happen.