Sunday, October 05, 2008

October 6th

Tonight opened a devotional called Grace for the Moment, by Max Lucado and looked up tomorrow's date. Here is what it read.... It could not be more fitting for me right now.

"God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished." Philippians 1:6

"The message of Jesus to the religious person is simple: It's not what you do. It's what I do. I have moved in. Religious rule-keeping can sap your strength. It's endless. there is always another class to attend, Sabbath to obey, Ramadan to observe. No prison is as endless as the prison of perfection. Her inmates find work but never find peace. How could they? They never know when they are finished. Christ however, gifts you with a finished work. He fulfilled the law for you. Bid farewell to the burden of religion. Gone is the fear that having done everything, you might not have done enough. You climb the stairs, not by your strength, but his. God pledges to help those who stop trying to help themselves."

Tomorrow I celebrate 29 years of life and yet I still fall into the trap or feeling the need to "improve" or "fix" different areas of life. In this next year, my prayer is that I figure out what it means to let go of that and just allow God to work.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Being a Cubs fan

I have never been more upset as a Cubs fan. I can't even explain the last three games that I attempted to painfully watch. The Dodgers deserved to win. Every moment of every inning all the Dodgers players played with a desire to win. Cubs on the other hand, you sat in the dugout, you watched good pitches go by, and you played like crap in the field. My Cubs, I love you but you stunk it up, and you took an incredible season a flushed it down the toilet. I will root for you next year but tonight, for the first time, I don't want to use the phrase "maybe next year." You don't deserve to win a World Series until you show a desire to want to win.