Friday, April 10, 2009

It's been a winter

This winter has been full of some crazy events. It's been a journey.... but as the blog title states, it's all about the journey. Here is some of the recap...
  • Been supper busy, sometimes stressed, and sometimes an emotional wreck working to complete my portfolio for the National Boards Certification. Mailed it in at the end of March and now it is just 9 months of waiting.
  • Had a crazy Christmas break and between trips to the hospital and tests galore, I gave up the gallbladder and feel better then I have felt in years!
  • Had an incredible Winter Conference for our student ministry. Took about 700 folks up to the Wisconsin Dells for an amazing weekend.
  • Began the process of creating a new class for school
  • In the process of studying for one of the biggest test's I will ever take in my life. Let's hope it pays off...
  • Went for some R&R for spring break
  • Praying through summer mission opportunities.
Although I don't know that I can say that have been the best friend, daughter, sister or Aunt during these past couple of months, I believe that once I get through the coursework for National Boards there will be so much more balance back in my life. It's all about the Journey.... all about the journey...