Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Day

The newscasts warned us, everyone was talking about it, but I didn't really believe it would happen. I felt like a little kid again when I woke up. As soon as my alarm went off, I raced to the window to see if it had really snowed. It snowed alright but it didn't look like the 12 inches they promised. I was so bitter. I had gotten myself all excited for a snow day and it looked like nothing. But to my surprise, I got the phone call that school was cancelled! I know come June, I will be annoyed that we have to make it up but that's OK. We were in a four week marathon of full weeks before Christmas break. This day off is welcomed on so many levels.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Christmas in the bathroom

On Saturday morning, I invited my Aunts who were in from Michigan to come see my home. They have not seen the place since I bought it and I figured since it was decorated for the holiday season, it would be a good time to invite them over.

Now, please understand, I love my Aunts and my mother with all my heart but there are some things Mom and Aunts do that just don't make sense. Aside from my mother opening all my closets and pointing out every nook and cranny of the place, re-arranging the snow village, and changing the flower arrangements in my house, my ultimate favorite event was the bringing Christmas into the bathroom. My Aunt Judy decided that there needed to be a little more Christmas in my downstairs bathroom. I already have the bathroom a dark red color, and there are Christmas hand towels in there but it wasn't enough. Before too much time passed, my Mom and my Aunt had the bathroom decorated to the point that I could almost hear it sing Christmas carols on it's own. The flower arrangement is completely re-done with Christmas flowers and sparkly things, there are snow village figurines on the shelf in the the room, and there are snow covered pine trees on a shelf above the toilet (which don't knock the wall as you are using my toilet because they are in a spot that they will come crashing on your head. They are heavy enough that it will leave quite a welt.)

I am glad my Aunts came into visit and I will admit, my house has an even great festive glee to it but it was rather comical to sit back and watch as the three of them scurried about doing their Aunt and Mom duties. The three of them are so much alike it is almost scary.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A more thankful Thanksgiving

This thanksgiving had a twist that I wasn't expecting. Giving thanks hit me a little differently than I thought or even planned...

I went over to my parents for Thanksgiving. I had known Grandma Judy was coming so I brought my Africa album with me. Judy was one of the people that had helped sponsor my trip and although we had talked about the trip, I haven't had the opportunity to really show her all the photos. I took some time before and after dinner to sit down with her and basically re-live the journey. Although I keep a few pictures around my house, it had been awhile since I had sat down and looked through all the pictures. As I was sitting there, re-living what life was on the other side of the globe, I couldn't help but sit back and really reflect on how blessed we truly are.
As I enjoyed a thanksgiving feast, looked through piles of "day after thanksgiving" shopping adds, and cleaned fancy china, it made me really think about how wrong we have it. Our society is so fixed on external material blessings that we forget what the true blessings are. We are so blessed to live in an area that is safe. We are blessed to have a roof over our head, a school to attend, access to medical care, food, clean water, soap, and even a toothbrush. Most importantly, we are blessed to not have to go through a genocide where we fear for our lives, or watch love ones be taken or killed.
Most importantly, I am blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to Rwanda, and learn from some amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. We went with a mission to assess, build, learn and serve and I believe that I walked away with lessons that are far greater than anything I could have ever done. A lesson on true forgiveness, community, faith and a heart that has been touched in ways I am just beginning to understand.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Let there be light?

I decided that I wanted a timer on my front porch light. I didn't like the idea of turning it on and off on my own because there are times that I don't get home until late and the front of my house can be very dark. There are also times when I leave to workout before the sun is up and then I turn off my porch light while it is still dark outside. Sounds like a trivial issue but for me, it is pretty important.
I have one of the worlds greatest fix it guys. He has super reasonable pricing and his company is always enjoyed when he is over. His name is Dad. The two of us have had quite the frustrating adventure trying to get this porch light to actually work. We have now attempted two digital timers, (both worked for a couple of weeks and then ended up dying for some reason or another) a dusk 'till dawn light bulb contraption, and tonight we attempted a different timer that was recommended by the hardware store clerk. All have successfully failed.
So how many blonds does it take to change a light bulb? I am not sure but it has taken my Dad and I over a month to try and fix my porch light...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Some pretty amazing little ones

David is as cute as ever. He has the greatest personality. I can't beleive how big he is getting.

When Mikayla rides on her scooter or her bike, we refer to her as the pink blurr. She is the quickest one on the block and she is always wearing pink. Posted by Picasa

Little boy blue isn't so little anymore

Kyle is finally on the road to recovery and getting better each day. It seems like it has been one thing after another but he looks healthy and happy in this picture. From what I have heard, it takes a lot to keep this little guy down. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 10, 2006

An urge to re-locate

There are phases that I go through where I have this strong urge to move. I think it is one of those times. I am ready to start a new job, live in a different place and have a chance to just start over. It isn't that anything is bad here, it is just the thought of what I might be missing out there... After all, now is the time to do that kind of thing, right?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Slumber party with Aunt Debbie

This past weekend, I had the greatest moment as an Aunt. I was able to have Mikayla spend the night and spend the night giving her my undivided attention. It started with picking her up and going to get McDonald's, her dinner of choice. While at McDonald's, I got to hear life perspectives from a five year old. It is amazing how smart they are. She talked about gymnastics and her preschool. She told me about her new friends at preschool and then she made a realization that our table was wobbly. To her surprise, every table in McDonald's wobbled except for one. She didn't understand why that was the case. After dinner, we decided that we should take a trip to the video store. I was hoping that we could rent Over the Hedge but she assured me that I would like Barbie and the 12 dancing Princesses so much more than Over the Hedge. In fact, I would like it so much that we should get two Barbie princess movies. Once we got to my house, we painted nails, colored in a coloring books, had a tea party (with apple juice of course), baked cookies, watched princess movies and created an area to go camping in the family room that night. My biggest fear was that she wouldn't make it the whole night and would become homesick. It was a super successful night, no tears were shed and we laughed a lot. Mikayla's thoughts on the sleepover were priceless, "Aunt Debbie, I was thinking and next time I should stay for five weeks." Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 03, 2006

Was it unanswered?

I came across a news article today about a guy who found a bag full of letters that were addressed to God. The letters were sent to a Reverend at a church with the intent that they would be prayed over. Some were on the humorous side and others on the serious side. It was almost as if the author was putting down the Reverend for not reading the letters. As a result of not reading the letters, the author implied that they were not prayed over. Here is my question, did the Reverend really have to open and read the letters in order to pray over them? Could he have held each letter and prayed for whatever was in it and still kept the confidentiality of each letter? God would know what was in the letter even though the Reverend didn't open it, right? What made me the most angry was the last line of the article that announced the individual was going to place these letters for sale on EBay. Seriously, doesn't he have access to a paper shredder? Can't he just take the letters and destroy them? Why would anyone be so hungry for money? Check out the article for yourself, what do you think?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A horrible day for a CUBS fan

So, if it wasn't bad enough that the White Sox clinched the title last year, it only got worse last night. The most horrible nightmare came true last night as the Cardinals claimed the title as World Champs. I am not sure if it could be any worse. After a year of Sox fans claiming they are champs, the pattern will now continue with the Cardinal fans. I love my friends that are Cardinal fans but they are not quiet about their love for their Cards... It will be a painful year....
Surely next year will be our year right?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Maybe we are like the trees

I have to admit, there is no better time of the year. I don't really know what it is about fall but there is something about it that just puts me in a good mood. I love when the weather begins to get a little on the chilly side and the leaves begin to change color. I love to have campfires, seeing pumpkins, and fall colors.
Aside from just the season being great, I feel like this has been a season of growth in my own life. I feel like there are so many different things that I am learning and changing about who I am. It feels good to walk through a season of life and begin to celebrate the journey that God has brought you on. Just as the fall leaves are changing, I believe God does the same with our hearts. I wonder if while I look at the trees and admire their beauty during the fall, God looks at our hearts and sees something similar?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hard to be far away

I am realizing tonight how it is hard to be far away from the ones you love. My little nephew, Kyle, is struggling to get healthy and I wish more than anything I could be with him. It is hard to sit back and realize that the only thing we can do is pray a ton and wait for the next update. I would give anything to bring blue bunny to the hospital and make this little bundle of joy let out his giggle. You will be home before you know it Kyle but until then Aunt Debbie will be praying. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well, it is my official last day in my mid-twenties. I will now move up an age category and join the late twenties group. I am not doing well with the change. Before my very eyes, I am growing up and yet there is still so much of me that feels like I am still a little kid.
Over the past couple of months, I feel like I have been on a journey like never before. I am trying to discover this woman that God has created me to be. It is a journey that has me praying about careers, praying about future plans, praying about thoughts, feelings and emotions and a journey that has me trying desperately to figure out the grand purpose of it all.
As horrible as 27 sounds, I believe it is going to be a good year. A year of new beginnings, and new discoveries. Bring it…

Friday, September 01, 2006

Oh dear

So, this morning I woke up and realized I am pretty pathetic. I am 26 years old and I am still frustrated and crabby when my slow pitch co-rec team looses a game. How pathetic is that? We are in a park district league with a bunch of friends and we are out there to just have fun. Not only is the team filled with super fun people but we usually have the biggest fan base of any team out there. It is a Thursday night that is filled with good times. Yet, as I went to bed this Thursday I was bitter. In my mind I thought of all the things I wished we had covered in practice, and the foolish pitch that I swung at because I didn't want to walk (instead I hit a crappy ball up the middle that the shortstop was able to turn a double play), and the silly little things that in the grand scheme of life don't matter. What is my obsession with this silly game and why do I care so much about winning? Any who, Scared Hitless lived up to their team name and let two slide by. I am sure this week we will all find ourselves at the batting cages and get our bats in line for our next Thursday night's match up.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Put me in Coach

The season is officially beginning tomorrow. This is the most important time of the year- a preview to the world series. Our co-rec softball team officially opens up tomorrow evening for an 8:15 double header. Since we are now seasoned players in this league, we decided that our team name must change. Our new official name is "SCARED HITLESS." If you just gasped a little, it is ok, I had the same first reaction. I am not really sure at the reasoning behind the name except that it is funny- especially when you realize it is a bunch of church folk that will be on the field with that name. Let's just hope that our name doesn't determine the success of our bats this season. I am sure that the blogs to follow will update you on the success of the team.
Last year we entered this league and we said several times to one another that we are out to have fun. We "didn't care about winning or loosing," it was just about having a good time. When we got into our fist game and we realized that we were a fairly good and competitive team, the entire atmosphere of the game changed. All the competitiveness of our players began to come out and we were in it for the win. For a great time on Thursday nights, come watch scared hitless take the field.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Summer Days Drifting Away!

Well I am officially back to the old routine. My summer is done. It was brutal to wake up this morning as the alarm clock screamed in my ear at 5 am. For some reason or another, this has been the most difficult year to head back. I know that once the students come and I adjust to the teaching lifestyle I will be fine but this summer has been so nice. I was truly blessed with some incredible opportunities. Here are just a few highlights of the summer.

North Carolina

A wonderful trip to North Carolina.

We spent a night hunting crabs. Posted by Picasa


An amazing and life changing trip to Africa! Posted by Picasa
Annie's Wedding! Posted by Picasa

Time with the girls

Lot's of time to hang out with Melissa and Beth. Posted by Picasa

Breanne, Charissa and Shelley

CIY with with Shelley and Charissa and hanging out with Breanne. These girls are a blast! Posted by Picasa
StuCo Dodgeball tourney! Posted by Picasa
Seeing Kyle laugh Posted by Picasa
Hanging with Mikayla and David Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 21, 2006

Visit to see Kyle

I got to go visit my nephew this past weekend. It is amazing how quickly they grow. It was fun to hang out and learn the personality of this little guy. He is quite the happy baby. His faviorate games include peek, and playing with his blue bunny stuffed animal. Posted by Picasa

All you ever wanted to know about Cranes

This past weekend, I took a short trip out to visit my brother, sister-in-law and nephew in DC. Let me just share a rather humerous story about the plane ride...

On my way out to DC, I had my photo album of pictures from Africa. I decided that I was going to carry it on the plane so that I could finish writing in the captions. It was my hope that I would be able to have some good conversations with my brother and sister in law about the trip. Well, like any flight where I am flying by myself, I did the normal scope of the waiting area to see who was getting on the plane. Yes, lame and desperate as it may sound, I totally had one of those prayerful moments where I just hoped that God would have "Mr Perfect" end up in the seat next to me. What I instead learned was that God really does have a sense of humor. I sat down in my seat and after a while of thinking nobody was going to be next to me, this gentleman shows up just as were getting ready to take off. I had the photo album on my lap and was writing in the spaces and I could tell that he was glancing over at the pictures. Not a big deal, didn't see him as a "Mr. Perfect" but thought it might lead into a good conversation about the trip and maybe even a chance to plant a seed...

Well, he asked some questions and then proceeded to tell me about his job as some type of crane saver. That's right, this man gets the DNA from cranes so that they can clone them so they don't become extinct. He told me that there were a ton of cranes in Africa and he filled me in with about 45 minutes worth of knowledge about each one. In fact, he then pulled out his camera and showed me all 300 pictures of the cranes that he saw during his time in the United States. At this point, we were about 40 minutes from landing and honestly didn't mind seeing the pictures but a little overwhelmed with the information on each bird. If that wasn't enough, he then proceeded to tell me that I should go to India with him. He assured me I would love it there. I could take so many wonderful photos and he was certain I would never want to come back. He warned me about the kidnappers and the robbers but promised that he would keep me safe... after all, he has been there for over 10 years and has never been threatened. The guy across the isle knew I was in over my head and I caught him laughing at the predicament that I was in. After all, was this man seriously inviting me to move to India with him? I told him that I wasn't interested and explained that I was a teacher and needed to stay here. Although he thought he could find me a job in India, he settled with giving me his business card just in case I changed my mind. I wish I could see God at that moment because I am pretty sure that he was laughing. I pray for "mr perfect" to be sitting next to me and all I get is an offer to runaway with some man to India... good one God.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Big Bro

I have been blessed in my life to have two older brothers. If you would have asked me about this while growing up, I would have told you that I wanted my parents to have another kid so that I could have a sister. Yes, I was picked on and teased like crazy (although they would tell you I deserved it- and there is probably some truth to that) Now that I am older, I have realized that I am pretty lucky to have the two brothers that I do. Darren, the one on the left, is turning 33 today! For the longest time, Darren had a hard time remembering that as he was growing older, so was I. I am no longer the annoying 13 year old that he remembered when he left for college. It has been exciting to see how our friendship has grown over the years. Now, he has a wonderful wife and an amazing little boy. My only wish is that they didn't live so far away. I am excited to head out to visit him and his family later this month. Thanks for being such a great brother. Happy Birthday! Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 31, 2006

Annie is married

This past weekend, we celebrated the wedding of Annie and Luke. It was such a fun weekend. It is so funny how high school graduation was 8 years ago but when we are all together it seems like just yesterday.

We re-lived our nemerous pranks (which happen to be all on video), laughed about classes that they put us in together (sorry teachers if we made life a little difficult), re-lived the sports memories, and the nights where we would just dream up doing some of the craziest things.

The "Bat" girls haven't changed a bit...

Bree, is still the funny one. She will say anything whether it is appropriate or not. She has the ability to make an entire group of strangers laugh for hours. There is never a dull moment with her around. I think I laughed more than I have laughed in a long time.

Annie, is still the calm, innocent instigator. She will dream up anything under the sun and be able to convince Bree or Becky to do anything.

Becky, is still the one who laughs the loudest. She is always laughing and having a good time. She, just like Bree, will saying whatever is on her mind but she has a great filter in making it family appropriate.

And as they would put it, I am still the voice of reason. I am not sure what that means but I still tend to make sure we don't carry the pranks overboard, or take the joke one step too far. I would tend to instigate with Annie, and then the two of us would sit back and watch while Becky and Bree carried it out. I of course was the "mom" who would never let it get too far out of hand. Not sure if I am a big fan of that label...

The best part is that every single one of us are now working in the school system in one way or another. Who would have thought? Bree is a behavioral specialist- which she is amazing at. Becky is a high school counselor and Annie and I are teachers.

Annie, I couldn't be happier for you. You have an amazing husband, one who will love you through all chapters of life. Thank you for letting all of us be a part of your amazing day. Have fun on your honeymoon! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Community like none other

This past weekend I was blessed with an opportunity to connect with a bunch of friends from college. Emily (the one in the tank top) is getting marriend in October and we had a chance to celebrate the upcoming event. Isn't funny how there are people in your life that you could be away from for more than a year, but as soon as you see them it feels like it was just yesterday that you all hung out? These girls are that to me. They are amazing women of God who are each doing incredible things for the kingdom. I am blessed to have them in my life! Congrats Emily on the upcoming wedding. I can't wait to all see you all there! Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 21, 2006

Watch out I am turning 2

Tomorrow one of the greatest nephews in the world is ready to celebrate his 2nd birthday. It is amazing how quickly the time goes. Happy Birthday David Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

 Posted by Picasa

We are home safe

I can’t believe the time has already come to say goodbye to Rwanda. If I am really honest, the trip was way too short. As I sit back at home and write on my own computer, I struggle with the fact that there was still so much to do when we left. I never once dreamed that my going to Rwanda would end the poverty crisis, but for some strange reason, I don’t feel like we were even able to put a drop in the bucket. The truth is that it is bigger than anything we could fix on our own.

Kirsten Strand, a member of the team, made this comment about our adventure. I think it is an amazing statement and I wanted to share it with you.

“It struck me one day as we drove past hundreds of people sitting along the rugged streets that they all have a tremendous physical burden, but that many of us in America also have a burden—and maybe an even harder one. We have the blessing of resources and the burden of choice. We must decide if we will use our blessings only to provide opportunities for ourselves, or if we will use them to help provide opportunities for those who don’t have choices.

It also struck me that there is one choice that we ALL have—the choice to love and rely on God. And that is where the poor can help us. It is easy to love God when we have all that we need. But would we love Him even if we didn’t have a roof over our head or water to drink or had lost our entire family in a genocide?”

I have still yet to process all that I experienced and all that I learned from this trip. It was an amazing two weeks. I look forward to writing more as I begin to unpack all the experiences God led us through.

Monday, July 10, 2006

This is how it is done!

Let's just say that using the bathroom while in the villiage was a little difficult. In case you ever find yourself having to use one, NEVER REMOVE YOUR SHOES...

Beth and Melody are modeling the proper technique when it comes to latrine use. If you like bathroom humor, remind me to tell you a story when I return. I won't write it because it may be little wierd for all ears to hear... Posted by Picasa

Harvesting Sorgum (?)

We spent a day helping sponsored family perform daily chores. I harvested sorgum, sifted and beat beans, and a couple of brave souls made the 2 hour hike down the mountain for fetch water. I didn't go because we were warned it was very dangerous. One member ran into some trouble with the altitude change during the hike and needed to be helped back. I can't imagine having to do that hike several times a day just to get water. It really put into perspective the difficulty of obtaining the simple things. Posted by Picasa