Thursday, November 23, 2006

A more thankful Thanksgiving

This thanksgiving had a twist that I wasn't expecting. Giving thanks hit me a little differently than I thought or even planned...

I went over to my parents for Thanksgiving. I had known Grandma Judy was coming so I brought my Africa album with me. Judy was one of the people that had helped sponsor my trip and although we had talked about the trip, I haven't had the opportunity to really show her all the photos. I took some time before and after dinner to sit down with her and basically re-live the journey. Although I keep a few pictures around my house, it had been awhile since I had sat down and looked through all the pictures. As I was sitting there, re-living what life was on the other side of the globe, I couldn't help but sit back and really reflect on how blessed we truly are.
As I enjoyed a thanksgiving feast, looked through piles of "day after thanksgiving" shopping adds, and cleaned fancy china, it made me really think about how wrong we have it. Our society is so fixed on external material blessings that we forget what the true blessings are. We are so blessed to live in an area that is safe. We are blessed to have a roof over our head, a school to attend, access to medical care, food, clean water, soap, and even a toothbrush. Most importantly, we are blessed to not have to go through a genocide where we fear for our lives, or watch love ones be taken or killed.
Most importantly, I am blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to Rwanda, and learn from some amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. We went with a mission to assess, build, learn and serve and I believe that I walked away with lessons that are far greater than anything I could have ever done. A lesson on true forgiveness, community, faith and a heart that has been touched in ways I am just beginning to understand.

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