Student Community just spent the week in Anderson, IN and it was an incredible week. I am always so amazed at how great the students are. The conference was incredible. It was one of those weeks where I honestly believe God moved in so many ways. I had so many great conversations with students who have made some pretty big steps in their own personal journey. I heard from students who are ready to be baptized, others who are going to be a part of raising awareness of issues around the world, others who are changing some behaviors they have been involved with and other students who have made the decision that they are surrendering their life to following the plan God has for them. On the last night we spent time praying for specific students who shared and I have never heard our students pray quite like they did that night. It was a heart felt prayer of student after student lifting up one another. The things that came out of students mouths was beautiful. I am truly blessed to be given the opportunity to serve in this way. There were times this past year that balancing a full time job and a part time job left me wanting to tear my hair out but this made every sacrifice worth it.
On a personal level, I was reminded of the importance of listening to how God is calling me to move. There are areas of my life that I need to give up and be more willing to trust God and take risks for God. There are areas of my life that I need to stop focusing on my "inabilities" and trust that God will continue to stand in the gap for me and work through me even in the areas that I don't feel qualified. I was reminded of the incredible opportunity that we are blessed with when it comes to being apart of the Jesus Mission.
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