Thursday, June 26, 2008

Taking a little trip

I am in Washington DC for a couple days to visit my brother and his family. My nephew will be 3 in September and it is amazing how much he has changed since I last saw him. There is something about not being close to him as he grows up that is sad for me. With my other brothers kids (who live 30 min from me), when Aunt Debbie arrives they get super excited and and won't leave my side. Kyle isn't quite sure about that. He is still a little hesitant as to whether or not he is a big fan. We hung out at the pool today, played a lot of Thomas and cars, and enjoyed some time watching Sprout. Hopefully I will be here long enough to get him to buy into hanging out with me rather than running to Mom or Dad for everything. Then once I leave and return in another 4-6 months, the game will probably start all over again. Maybe by the time he is 4 or 5 it will be a little easier to remember who I am.... I hope....

Tomorrow night we have the big softball game. My brother plays in a softball league and every summer when I schedule my trip we have to make sure that it falls on a softball night. The team is pretty nice in allowing me to be a part of gang for a night. This will be the first time I put the glove back on since I broke my thumb in October. Let's hope tomorrow's game ends a little different than the last.

1 comment:

Dave Herrick said...

I totally get the whole neices and nephews thing. Everytime I see my neice, she totally avoids me. Then we play and hang out and bond, and after a few days, we're finally pals. But I know the next time I see her, I'm going to have to start all over again.